My Country

Happiest in the world I was tagged
But a century that seems
A ring from ancient history it bellows
Long my new face is, sorrow my companion
I've turned bruised, battered and bitter
Grounded and wretched
Pauparised and perplexed
Hurt and hurting
The once glad is now morose
The gaiety gloomy is turned
Who stole my Joy
Who switched off the tunes for my dance
Mourning is the new normal
Happiest in the world??

Emersed in want and lack
Bothered by deprivation and degradation
Fasting all night and day due to fast fading food
Clothes in nakedness my ribs exposed
At the mercy of hunger strike pangs
How happy can I be with my back glued to my stomach
Can the hungry leap on ecstacy?
Can merriment, misery marry?
Can malnourishment be joined with enjoyment
Hunger surely Joy kill is.

Lost my Joy?
As bad as it was, it was the least of it
The state destroyed my shop
Crazy no doubt
The council demolished my stall
Filling me with gall
No job, no shop, no stall
No food, no electric supply, no water
Hell certainly is here
I'm left to gripe, groan and suffer
No one cares wether I live or leave
All my potentials going to waste
My abilities going to rot and ruins
My talents with me to the grave they go.

Afraid of Aids?
Not me
Frightened by syphilis or gonorrhea?
Cancer holds no scare for me 
As deadly as it is reputed to be
My worry is malaria
My headache is cholera
My fear is dysentery
Simple they say they are
But grim reapers I know them to be
May souls has the trio harvested prematurely
Who will save me from maternal morality
And my infant from infants malady
Who will rescue my brother from cholera and my neighbor from malaria.
No help from state hospitals
No succor from general ones
Health care is commmoditised, it is strictly for cash
How can the sick be happy or the weak merry?
The strength to laugh is long exhausted
The salt on the injury of insecurity
Stressed by petty thieves
Harrased by Bulgars 
Waylaid by robbers
Threatened by kidnappers
Killed by unknown gunmen
Conned by con men 
Hammered by suicide bombers.
 I'm in the cold sick 
Chased by hunger, joblessness
Oh for the poor; living is dying

Oh God of creation
Whom cometh the Joy of citizenship
Who will provide fill for my heart at the mention of the father land
How long will our hopelessness linger
Direct our noble Cause of unending deprivation
Let respite come speedily to the people
And succor in the land
Guide our leaders right, prick them with our pains
Cause unrest for them due to our loud voice
So that there will be enough for all
Walking the streets without the fear of being shot or kidnapped
Food on our tables
Fuel for our machines
Electricity in our homes and water in our taps
Let there be changes in the land 
Help my youths the truth to know and say
Grant my request 
Oh God of creation
That once more  I may be the world's happiest


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