The rain and the Flower

The Rain and the Flower(Part 1: During the rain)

As the rain poured down in torrents, I watched from the window of my dorm...
The plight of the plant
Painful to the leaves but useful to the roots then to other parts of the plant.
Life couldn't be anymore than that.
Little by little the storm ceased but the flower blooms by the day. 
In the same rain children were playing but this child look for a security that cannot be secure in the dearest blanket.
No hot milk, no fire to keep warm. 
The only security the blanket could offer was from the cold but what about the demons raging within.
As the flower does not have protection from the rain and still strive to live on because if it does not bend it breaks.

Oh the rain of discipline
Don't break just bend so you can straighten up stronger than yesterday
Instead emerge victorious, fresher and better than ever before.
Painful to the body; balm to the soul who can stand against.
It's okay to break down along the way; it is permitted
It is reasonable to get tired but... 
To quit makes you a criminal because that your life isn't yours alone
You're a solution provider and you keep all who need it in the dark forever till another saviour arises from Zion.

I feel the rain, I hear the flood.
Only those that can ensure the tempest will survive the temptation for they are firmly rooted and withstood the rain. So now they are fresh and blossoming


  1. This is great for a first! Great encouragement to Christians and non-Christians. I hope you don't stop writing. May the Holy Spirit replenish you always. Proud of this wonderful step you've taken.

    With love,

    1. Thank you very much Prof, I'll make sure to take heed

  2. This is fascinatingly interesting.
    Continue to climb higher🔝🆙


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