The Rain and The Flower (After the rain)

The Rain and the Flower (Part2: After the rain)

The storm is over
Everywhere is wet and cold 
The sky is no more bleak.
The elements sweetly rest
Everywhere is blue with a touch of black.
The birds now chirping though dripping wet from the torrents.
The children roam in the droplets
But my heart in fragments
The love of the brethren binding.
The love of the father abiding.
All of this brought warmth to my broken heart.
In just one rain

The rain helped me to rein my horse
And buckle my belt to be the best.
Help me to put on my oxygen mask and dive deep to bring out the treasures in the deep
All of a sudden the rain was used to lighten my burden.
I discovered I could be as a bird but one that has chicks to return to.
The light burst forth not from anywhere but from within.
The forces outside cannot break you if you are strong inside by the power of his might.


  1. The power of His might will continue to strengthen you and give you more inspiration!


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