
Refracting... Diffracting... Reflecting... Deflecting... I saw on the earth and I pondered upon the thirst that has consumed the hearts of men. A thirst for greatness; a thirst to rule. Yet the environment has dealt with the minds of them all that all they are left with Is what to beg with... There's a leader in you Any man ready to just be a follower for the rest of his life needs a renewal of his mind. The King in him must have been so broken and battered by the issues of life But... Why are there plenty leaders with little orno leadership As I jourmyed further I discovered that leadership is predetermined not preference It's not a civil service job where you can retire Yet there is room for everyone at the top Leaders are born when gits are discovered and places are found by fulfilment of purpose The gold under the clay unveiled There is a place of authority for everyone having little or nothing to do with titles He who will lead others I learnt as I walked...