Faceless Nameless Series Part 2
Dearest son, Somehow I know you are full of smiles and life When I imagine holding you Your smile makes me smile I see the brightness of your future in your eyes I hold unto the promise of I and the children the Lord has given me are for signs and wonders O, the reward From God I hope the manifestation of God locked up inside you Will be dug up I don't just want to breastfeed I hope to be able to feed you with milk and meat as you grow I hope to be able to hold the fort behind closed doors and on bent knees I hope I am able to teach you to talk to Jesus And seek him diligently so you'll find him I hope I get you to rise in he morning to behold your lover and in the evening make oblations to the King of Zion and your Life I hope I'll be able to show you that the greatest strength is in Zion where dependency is in God alone That your spiritual quotient be very high, making you sensitive to the move of Abba and not be left without the Urim and the Thumim To have ...